Category: Random

Happy Turkey Genocide Day

Well, its that time of the year. I just wanted to wish you good luck killing all those turkeys today. Just been listening to some game soundtracks and other stuff 😀 Videos posted below for those interested.

Room of Angel – Akira Yamaoka

Nameless Song – Dark Souls Soundtrack

Dead Island Theme song


Now a bit more traditional…

Overdone – Ludo



Enjoy 🙂


What to do, what to do? Its been far to long since I posted here. Sadly alot of things have happened and I have just been unable to keep up with this. No fault of any of you, all zero of you, my regular readers, if not for you I would not even be here now. Glad I have something to keep you interested 🙂

Anyway, so back to the original question, what to do?

Force Pike project has come to a standstill. Wanting to also make myself some chain mail armor. my 3d work has been non existent this whole year almost. I really need to fix that, yet I have no motivation to hardly bother anymore. Been doing alot of reading, yet really dont have the urge to write a quick review for those either lol. Oh well.

Time to hope to turn things around. The question then becomes, will I? A great question that is. So if you go several months without seeing anything updated here, then odds are you know the answer.




Random Star Wars Goodness

Just a few videos that I have come across over time that I think is quite hilarious actually:

Vader Sessions

COPS: Stormtrooper — fills in the blanks for what really happened to Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, How did the Imperials figure out what Jawas sold 3PO And R2? Watch and find out…

Chad Vader – What if Darth Vader was a shift manager at a grocery store?