Well, its been awhile.

Anyway, a few weeks ago I stumbled upon the fact that several schools and various programs got together to give free college level instruction online to anyone who wishes to sign up for it. Figured, what the hell, I got nothing to lose but time and sleep. Years of my life towards frustration and the occasional thoughts of mass hysteria that usually follow close to a deadline that I am unlikely to adhere too. Not to mention the time spent wondering if I am spending my time in the most cost efficient manner.

Should I bother doing this if I am to get nothing out of it in the long?

Isnt the fact that I shall be enriching my existence enough to make the time worthwhile?

But you need to earn money in the long run, how do you plan on making money out of the knowledge you have gained?

Maybe I wont make any money out of this, but I shall enjoy it none the less! Plus your face is dumb and you need to quit making me get off topic!

Ahh, the fun parts of a inner monologue. They eventually make people look at your crazy. Alas, I have managed to make it through week 1 of this 9 week course. Am I better for it? Not sure yet, my mind is still trying to do fog from all the years of no use. 

So what have I learned so far you ask. 

First and foremost, I suck at math. No, scratch that. I really suck at math. No, still not adequate. If sucking at math was an Olympic sport, I would have won gold 12 times over, I could win the Nobel Peace prize for sucking at math.

Needless to say, I go from this being the hardest math I need to use on a daily basis: 

10 dollars minus 5 dollars is equal to = 5 dollars in change. Thanks for shopping here! Dont let the door hit you on the way out. 

To needing:

ST = LT +/- D x 4m 
ST = Sidereal Time
LT = Local Time
D = Days Later

This is to figure out…. something. Though I figured out the answer to the question I am still not sure what happened.

Or this equation

Theta = 206,265 * Linear Diameter/Distance

Seems simple but it took me 6 hours to figure out one question that dealth with this equation… and I think thats only because I seen other students sort of spell out how it got figured out… Soo…

I did learn though that in sometime over a billion years (forget exact amount right now and dont wish to look it up) that the Andromeda galaxy is going to crash into the Milky Way galaxy. Should be a fun turn of events for our future selves.

Beyond this though, what I thought was alot about space, turns out to be alot of math and alot of science. Upset? Maybe a bit. Though, still enjoying learning this more then I ever did trying to figure out math for the schooling I paid for. 

The internet has shown me so many more free resources though to help me learn the things I need. Found a site that deals in strictly learning math. 



Will be using that site alot in order to refresh my skills in math that I let rust years ago. Assuming the dust bunnies have not eaten all semblance of the math knowledge I used to have, I should be able to catch back up somewhat fast. Though we shall just have to wait and see.

Now I am off to get my eyes to stop being crosseyed from all the confusion. Time to rest my mind and watch or do something that requires no thinking.