It was a bit different for me to go back and to read this trilogy when I did. I am normally a stickler for reading things in order and for the most part I have stuck to this philosophy even when reading. Sadly though when I first started reading the Star Wars novels about 15 years ago now, I did not have this rule. So everything pre-Vector Prime, has sort of been read in a haphazard way. (I was around 15 when I started reading, give a kid a break.)

Anyway, because of this, reading this book was a bit odd, as having read everything since Vector Prime in order, having also read “I, Jedi” by Michael Stackpole, which takes place during the events of these books. It left me constantly wondering if I had read these before. I almost gave up several times because everything seemed so similar that I thought I had to have read this before! The problem arose that a lot of the books I had bought prior to a few years ago are all in storage, so I do not have access to them. Anyway though, glad I stuck it out, as I know I have not read them, would have missed out on a good read had I quit.

The premise for Jedi Search has the republic trying to build itself up still from the foundations that were put in place once the New Republic was founded. Having to rely on the diplomats to try to bring disputes under control, without the need for military intervention, brings us to Han and Chewbacca going back to their old haunts on Kessel. Where Hand and Chewbacca are supposed to meet with the current administrator of the facility to try to bring them into the New Republic arms, as the planet is the only place to get pure glitterstim, a valuable commodity used for its telepathic abilities, among other things. (Those of you who watched Episode 2: Attack of the Clones, may remember that it’s also a drug, a psychedelic. Naturally.)

In the process of trying to get to talks with the planet of Kessel, the Falcon is shot down and Han and Chewbacca survive only to find that the planet is under the control of Moruth Doole, who was the unfortunate seller of the spice that Han and Chewy dropped all those years ago which resulted in the price being put on his head by Jabba the Hutt. (Finally figuring out what was the cause of the price on Hans head)

In addition, Luke Skywalker is trying to bargain for a chance to reinstitute a new Jedi Academy as well. In addition to finding out where it will be housed, he needs to find new students as well. Finding a person by the name of Gantoris on the doomed planet Eol Sha. Though it seems leading to their meeting, Gantoris has been plagued by dreams of a Dark man. Thinking that this person is Luke, he puts Luke through a set of trials which could lead to Luke’s death if he fails any of them.

I enjoyed this book thoroughly to be honest, knowing it is a part of a 3 part series, it left many more questions than it answered. But we are introduced to many mainstay characters of the Star Wars universe, including Kyp Durron, who plays a larger part in the subsequent books. It begins building to a tense conclusion of which leads to many events to take place in the next book. The thing I think I did not like about this, was the fact, that had I read this book as it first released, I would have probably enjoyed it more not knowing really what’s going to happen. Having read the new books as far as I have though, which takes events some 30 years into the future, I already knew who was going to live, die, and how everything was going to play out. I just got all of the little details built in now.

Otherwise though, this was a great read which I am still glad to have read, just wish I would have read it about 10 years ago.

Rating: 9/10